Wednesday, August 27, 2014


Duties and Responsibilities :

Psychiatrists are physicians who specialize in the problems of mental illness . As physicians , they are licensed to use a wide variety of treatment sand may write prescriptions . Psychiatrists may work for the government , have their own private practice, or work in hospitals, clinics or universities . Their duties include :


  • Designing treatment programs .
  • Conducting psychotherapy sessions .
  • Prescribing potent mental illness drugs .
  • Conducting research
  •  Leading a team of mental health care providers .

Average Salary : $90,00 – 200,000

Educational Requirements : Bachelors , Masters , Ph.D. degrees

In addition to completing the requirements for  a degree in allopathic or osteopathic medicine, psychiatrists must complete an intensive three year residency in  psychiatry .
                                               student success statement
                                              "our very business in life is
                                                 not to get ahead of others...
                                              but to get ahead of yourself."
                                                    Thomas S.  monsoon

Reflection : this quote means that life isn't about whos better then who or who does things first , it matters about how you feel like your doing better at things and getting head of yourself . 

               Allopathic Physicians
                                                   Online Research :

                                      Go online . Look for and provide the following
       information . Publish your information as a new post in your Electronic Portfolio .


Duties and Responsibilities :  It’s and example used commonly by homeopaths and propone other forms of alternative medicine to refer to mainstream medical use of pharmacologic active agents or physical interventions to treat .


Salary :  $150,000 - $30,000 .


Education : 4 years of study .




Reflection : DO you think you would like to be one ? why ?why not ?

I want to be one when im older , I just didn’t know the specific name of the career was . But I would like to be one to help people that are hurt , sick and ect .